Docker - Boot2Docker
Boot2Docker is now deprecated in favour of docker-machine / docker-tools
- some of this information will still apply, and if you have to use older tools then maybe this will help you until you are able to upgrade.
What is Boot2Docker?
Boot2Docker is possibly the easiest way to run docker on Mac OS X and Windows in a handy virtual machine, because docker only runs native on Linux. It comes in two parts - a standard, normal, boring ‘docker’ client command that behaves exactly as you might expect, and a ‘boot2docker’ command to manage the VM.
Boot2Docker commands
All of these command accept a -v flag which greatly increases the verbosity of the output and helps to diagnose issues and problems with boot2docker. If you do have a problem this is the first thing to try, as it will often immediately give you the vital clue you need to fix it and make it work.
boot2docker version
This should often be the first thing you type when using boot2docker as it will tell you two very important things. Firstly, that boot2docker has been installed and can run. Secondly, it will let you know the version number of the client should you need it to look up information online when things aren’t working as expected.
boot2docker init
This installs the virtual machine if it’s missing, and sets it up ready for use. This needs to be invoked to create the virtual machine in VirtualBox before it can be started, and will set configuration options for the VM. This has no effect if the machine already exists.
boot2docker up
This will start the virtual machine if it’s not running. You have to create the VM with ‘boot2docker init’ before you can use it.
boot2docker shellinit
This sets some environment variables to allow docker client to connect to the daemon in the virtual machine. You’ll invoke this most frequently like this to setup the shell (using bash):
$(boot2docker shellinit)
boot2docker ip
This will give you the IP of the virtual machine that boot2docker is using. This IP is allocated using DHCP to the machine by VirtualBox on the host-only network adaptor, and this is easiest way to get this address.
You’ll need to use this IP address if you are developing applications that you want to access from the desktop, such as web sites that are running in Docker. A common thing to do is to append it to the hosts file:
echo "`boot2docker ip` dockerhost" >> /etc/hosts
You’ll need permissions to do this (you might need to sudo), and you probably won’t want to do this twice.
boot2docker ssh
This will connect to the virtual machine used by boot2docker using an ssh session to give you a direct control over the docker ‘server’.
$ boot2docker ssh
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Boot2Docker version 1.5.0, build master : a66bce5 - Tue Feb 10 23:31:27 UTC 2015
Docker version 1.5.0, build a8a31ef
docker@boot2docker:~$ uname -a
Linux boot2docker 3.18.5-tinycore64 #1 SMP Sun Feb 1 06:02:30 UTC 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
We get a lovely ASCII art whale and boot2docker banner graphic, and it tells us the verion number and build date of the VM image as well as the docker version installed. It’s running a Linux tinycore x64 kernel, and you can treat this as any other Linux virtual machine, and issue commands and inspect files:
docker@boot2docker:~$ docker version
Client version: 1.5.0
Client API version: 1.17
Go version (client): go1.4.1
Git commit (client): a8a31ef
OS/Arch (client): linux/amd64
Server version: 1.5.0
Server API version: 1.17
Go version (server): go1.4.1
Git commit (server): a8a31ef
docker@boot2docker:~$ sudo ls /mnt/sda1/var/lib/docker/containers/
Yikes, these long hex values keep breaking my page layout, but you get the picture. Note that to access the docker files and directories you have to be root or use sudo.
boot2docker status
This will return the single word state of ‘running’ if the virtual machine is active. Other possible states are ‘saved’, ‘poweroff’, or ‘error in run: Failed to get machine "boot2docker-vm": machine not exist’.
boot2docker info
This gives a JSON output with some basic information about the boot2docker configuration.
$ boot2docker info
"Name": "boot2docker-vm",
"UUID": "a0778397-8bc3-44c8-b3ce-cdf5dfd3b511",
"Iso": "/Users/antonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso",
"State": "running",
"CPUs": 4,
"Memory": 2048,
"VRAM": 8,
"CfgFile": "/Users/antonyh/VMs/boot2docker-vm/boot2docker-vm.vbox",
"BaseFolder": "/Users/antonyh/VMs/boot2docker-vm",
"OSType": "",
"Flag": 0,
"BootOrder": null,
"DockerPort": 0,
"SSHPort": 2022,
"SerialFile": "/Users/antonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker-vm.sock"
There’s nothing particularly interesting here in my opinion, except for state and possibly memory if you are running into problems with RAM allocation.
boot2docker save
This suspends the virtual machine, just as if you had paused it using the VirtualBox tools. You can restore the machine using ‘boot2docker up’.
boot2docker down
Powers down the virtual machine. This is mostly useful if you need to conserve memory and don’t need to use docker for a while.
boot2docker restart
Powers down the virtual machine, then starts it up again. This can be useful to fix problems in the same way as rebooting a physical machine cures some conditions.
boot2docker config
Outputs some configuration as key/value pairs. This is different to the ‘boot2docker info’ output in both format and contents - it focuses on the keys, ISO image, the VM provider, and network settings.
boot2docker config
# boot2docker profile filename: /Users/antonyh/.boot2docker/profile
Init = false
Verbose = false
Driver = "virtualbox"
Clobber = true
ForceUpgradeDownload = false
SSH = "ssh"
SSHGen = "ssh-keygen"
SSHKey = "/Users/antonyh/.ssh/id_boot2docker"
VM = "boot2docker-vm"
Dir = "/Users/antonyh/.boot2docker"
ISO = "/Users/antonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso"
DiskSize = 20000
Memory = 2048
SSHPort = 2022
DockerPort = 0
HostIP = ""
NetMask = [255, 255, 255, 0]
LowerIP = ""
UpperIP = ""
DHCPEnabled = true
Serial = false
SerialFile = "/Users/antonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker-vm.sock"
Waittime = 300
Retries = 75
boot2docker upgrade
This will ask boot2docker to upgrade both the local client tools for docker and the ISO used for the virtual machine.
$ boot2docker upgrade
docker is up to date (1.5.0), skipping upgrade...
boot2docker is up to date (v1.5.0), skipping upgrade...
Latest release for boot2docker/boot2docker is v1.5.0
Downloading boot2docker ISO image...
Success: downloaded
to /Users/anthonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
boot2docker download
This downloads the ISO image.
$ boot2docker download
Latest release for boot2docker/boot2docker is v1.5.0
Downloading boot2docker ISO image...
Success: downloaded
to /Users/anthonyh/.boot2docker/boot2docker.iso
boot2docker reset
If the virtual machine is running, this will reset it. This will ‘Forcefully power cycle the VM (may corrupt disk image).’ so use this only if absolutely necessary as a last resort. This is the same as opening the Virtualbox application and chosing ‘power down’, or pulling the plug on a physical machine - it’s completely safe unless it means missing a deadline or if there’s vital data.
boot2docker poweroff
If the virtual machine is running, this will quickly stop it. This will ‘Forcefully power off the VM (may corrupt disk image).’ so use this only if absolutely necessary. I use this when things have gone very wrong and I’m going to start again with a fresh instance. Basically, this is like reset but without the reboot, and is more or less violently yanking the plug out in a fit of rage knowing that I’m going to have to download all those images again into a new VM.
boot2docker delete
Kill the VM disk image. This is final and there is no warning or prompt. You do have a backup of anything important, right?
boot2docker help
If you want the most accurate information for your version of boot2docker, use the built-in help system. It will give you useful information and options, such as how to change the amount of memory, enable verbose mode, or set the disk space for the virtual machine.