Test-Driven ideologies
Test-Driven ideologies
The twin philosophies of [TDD]{acronym-label=”TDD” acronym-form=”singular+short”}; fail-fast versus try/catch
These two things belong together; they are seemingly opposites sides of the coin, but they are the same coin nonetheless. They may well be polar opposites and share certain aspects making it worthwhile considering them together.
The twins of fail-fast and try/catch are all about where and how you ascertain that the code is running correctly in the run-time environment during the development phase - by using assertions to make it impossible to run code that does not conform to the contract of the code, or by using exceptions to handle what happens when the rules are broken.
Crash, report, fix, repeat
Assertion driven development, where the entire system is designed to completely stop where expectations are not met. The idea behind this is to halt execution as soon as out-of-band values are encountered to force fixing the code (or the calling code) as a means to improving reliability by making the program unrunnable.
It should be noted that certainly in modern object-oriented languages such as Java and C# little time is spent mentioning runtime assertions despite their usefulness in early stages of implementation. Whether this is down to them being too dangerous to add to the code, or that they are just no longer in fashion (and so not in favour as ‘best practice’) is unknown. It could also be considered bad form as Java assert() is ignored by default. Some might consider this an advantage. Regardless, the volume of information, tutorials, and other resources on unit testing dwarfs that on the use of inline assertions.
Exception-driven code
This is commonly known as Test Driven development, where assumptions are tested with mocks and unit tests, then code is added to defend against known values to manage these conditions. This results in one of two artifacts - either a lot of extra tests to assert conditions, or exception handling in try/catch blocks to bury undesirable behaviour. It attempts to improve uptime by abandoning attempts at processing or masking data errors with defaults.
These styles are not mutually exclusive, and neither of these deal with the unknown - both are firmly in the land of the known as asserts make the program quit and thus have to be fixed before a system leaves development, whereas exceptions