Random notes on nodejs, npm, nvm, and more. Most of this applies to Windows 10 or Windows 11, some of it for Linux-based systems, and maybe it might even help Macintosh users.

How to work around ENOAUDIT error message

Run the audit against the npmjs.org registry instead of the local Nexus server or whatever you’re using to serve up the npm dependencies as a proxy.

    npm audit --registry=https://registry.npmjs.org/

Making nvm4w work properly

This solved the ERROR 1 and ERROR 5 states for me. These look a lot like:

    PS C:\Users\randonomicon> nvm use 12.13.1
    exit status 1: Access is denied.


    PS C:\Users\nocimonodnar> nvm on
    nvm enabled
    exit status 5: Access is denied.
  1. burn it all. Uninstall nodejs and nvm. The errors are mostly caused by permissions or old installs. Cleaning out broken installs will help.
  2. clean up any nvm data in your roaming profile
  3. As administrator, install nvm4w
     winget install CoreyButler.NVMforWindows
  1. set the install location to somewhere better than the ‘roaming’ profile folder. I used:
     mkdir c:\mvn
     nvm root c:\nvm

This will install the npm binaries into a more useful location.

  1. As your user, install the versions you need to use for your projects
     nvm install latest
     nvm install lts
     nvm install 18.4.0
  1. As administrator, activate the version you want to use
     nvm use 18.4.0
  1. Confirm as your user (not administrator) that you have the right version selected.
     nvm list
     node -v
  1. Use npm and node as normal.

Fix incorrect dependency source hostnames

Sometimes, you’ll have hostnames in your package.lock that aren’t suitable for your CI server or some other reason, or you need to use a different source server. There’s a way to do this.

    npm install -g @kie/lock-treatment-tool

This will remove the ‘resolved’ value from package.lock and let the build server use it’s configured setting.

Bonus: you can keep the integrity hashes so you know you have the same valid dependency artifacts. Add --skipIntegrity to the locktt command.

    locktt --skipIntegrity 

If you want to keep the resolved urls but rewrite them to use a different registry that’s possible too. For example if you need to reset them to npmjs.org this will do the job:

    locktt --skipIntegrity --replacePackageLockRegistry --registry=https://registry.npmjs.org

You can shorten this to:

    locktt -s -p -r https://registry.npmjs.org