Shell Commands
Shell Commands
These generally apply to all Linux / Unix / BSD variants, although the options will vary depending on versions.
‘man’ is your friend. ‘man’ will tell you what the options are. ‘man’ may even give you useful examples. ‘man’ will help you but only if you ask.
Listing files ls ls -al ls -la dir
Moving files mv ren
Deleting files rm del
Getting information on files file head tail strings
File permissions chmod chown chgrp mask
Outputting files cat less more tee
Creating and editing files touch echo vi emacs nano
Finding files find . -name ‘.DS_’ find . -name ‘.DS_’ -delete grep locate slocate
Batch operations xargs sort uniq
Scheduled jobs cron crontab
processes vmstat iostat top htop atop ps ps -ef ps -efaww kill killall lsof